Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

yea, intrested? call this number 9555 8888.
nice rite the number? ofcuz! like duhhh, i create one!
HAHAHAHAH! u want snap my picture alotalotalot rite? i post the only photo i have :P oh and ya.
this girl make me LATE TODAY! not forgetting connie. but this girl, yelling at the phone complaining no taxi, no bus and stuff. my ear hurts. like seriously. reached school, 745. Wow huh. and that girl*points to the above picture* still need me and connie sent her to her class=.= wth. okay whtever.
first two period CPA. coursework asusual. wahhh, shouldnt have come la. alot ppl also never come! did coursework. i just cant shut myself up today. HIGGHHHH! hahaha. cpa keep joking with amirul. and connie. she somehow sleep in the middle of the coursework. with my jacket. wah, comfortable huh? i freezing uh. after CPA is CE. hahah nothing much uh. recess, sit with kenny and connie. mr yap came, talked to me. HAHAHAH i veryyyyyy......idk what to say but i joked instead. jonathan and gang came. and he hide the keys again. wth. after recess, english? yea, i forget what happen. after english is science! HAHAHAH! kay funny. we walked from fourth floor walk down 2nd floor. reach science lab connie ask me go up 3rd floor. okay go. den while walking saw vv andPC. hahah! i dunnoe what. i did sumthing stupid. den this teacher in the class scold the student "HEY! WHATS SO FUNNY!". den we laugh. den connie told me that they kena scolded bcuz of what i did, den they laugh. i was like Huh! really? HAHAHAHAHAH! kay wth. so went in the lab. jokejokejoke also. after science math. test. oh. after test me and siyan keep singing DORA THE EXPLORER THEME SONG AND WAKEYWAKEY ITS PLAYHOUSE DISNEY. HAHAHAHAH! WTH!
sch end. went down to canteen. saw farhana. connie and me keep farhana-ing til she irritated. keep throwing newpaper at her. she want act cute only. hahahahh. ohoh! detention i go prank a sec 1 guy. omg. Lol
sec1guy; is this the detention room?
walks out, and dunnoe go where.
connie.celest,charmaine; HAHAHAHAHAH! WTH! HAHAH
i feel very bad. so i walk out and go find him. HAHAH
me:boy, are you here for detention?
him; yea..?
me;oh thats the detention room. i was just joking.
him; -.-?
HAHAHAHAHAH! wth. the detention teacher super gay like omg. super kaope also. wth.
dun want to go on. aft that trained home with connie and charmaine :D
Syaffy(: out~
Friday, February 12, 2010
okay, i kinda reach sch late so i nvr join the lion dance in the morning.. FARHANA! wished me happy valentines w hug? aha, JANICE! gave me a card :D sat with nabeela so that shes not lonely.. hahah, after the performance in the morning, i joined them while the rest went back to class. talked and changed into the lion dance costume.. today past very fast! so yea after changing, slacked at the foyer.. hahah, i was lying down, connie sat on me. nice ah connie, very fun rite. lower sec recess, saw farhana and one of her fren, connie is still sitting on me, i cant get up so i called farhana for help. she laughed at me=.= wth. alot ppl frm 2nd lvl saw us, and they laughed. hahah, so walked to canteen, saw charmaine and kelly. charmaine get caught cuz of her fringe, awwwww, sad for her ): she was pissed at that moment i guess. so buy drinks, adriana gave me cupcake! yAY! thankssss! so walked back to foyer with connie.
oh wait, i wasnt walking, i was running! connie was laughing =.= den runrun, until i fell, shes still laughing=.= wth, den yea continue lying down at the foyer. haha, upper sec recess alrd, make our way to hall, wahhhh. okay, saw janice! haha, crap with her. so sit at the back at the hall, lower sec alrd making their way to the hall. oohooh, saw the bitch from 2D1, keep staring. tsk3. so upper sec reached alrd..
PERFORMANCE/CELEBRATION STARTED. we behind very alive!! hahah. start of with the teachers in the idk whats the name of the thing. den dragon dance! hahaha! i was standing behind tgthr with brandon hitting the drum and the rest la. ppl more intrested in drum sia! i was like wth dragon infront u look at the drum. or was it me who caught their attention? HAHAHAHA!! jk. watched the dragon, den i saw brenda, i looked at her, den she turned, she was smiling or sumthing? den I WINK AT HER. hahahah! she told me she want wink back but i keep turning away. ooops, my bad :P hahaha im retard la can, i wink to most ppl. and only one cant stop winking back at me, which is KHILDA! WTF. hahaha, okay, den its quiz time? game time? aiya whatever. so one of the game its name the animals in what order la. CONNIE, JANICE AND ME SABO-ED AMIRUL! hahahahah! so fun, he didnt know anything! but we helped him. JANICE and CONNIE both like monkey, i was holding onto the 'idk-whats-the-name" i keep hitting when AMIRUL GET IT RIGHT! YAYYAY!! HAHAHAHA NICE JOB JANICE AND CONNIE. hangbao $4. okay la. better than nothing. so yea. oh ya got one game the condom boy chose mr tay and everybody was like BOOOOO -ing. hahah! mr tay, you suck, we hate you. so everthing ended with the finale which i didnt went up cuz im scared. hahaha =.= after that we left to clementi primary. aiya, their celebration damn dead la. damn bored. the stupidest question was " whats the name of the fruit we bring to visit ppls house?" i was like, WTH! apple can? gahhh, after everything went back to sch, dismissed. went to MR PRATA! haha, with amirul, connie, jonathan, kenny, thiamwoon, and the 3a3 juniors. and later gabriel and andrew came. after eating trained home with connie gabriel and andrew. HAHAHA. very funny can. gabriel the asshole :P disturb ppl only. first he want disturb one uncle. but the uncle never entertain. hahahah! den next was an auntie infront. he hair was curly. HAHAHAHAH! gabriel: eh my house got the maggie leh..
HAHAHAHAHAHAH! busted lorr!! den he keep pointing to idk what. den everything he point the auntie look. HAHAHA busted lor. reached home. was in the room throughout. was msging.. msg till i very tired. slept at 8pm, wow, early huh! hahaha! charmaine waited 2 hours for my reply, i nvr reply at 8, at 10 she msg again " EH! u slp alrd??!" hahahah. sry la.
kay guess thats it.
im out~~
okay, i kinda reach sch late so i nvr join the lion dance in the morning.. FARHANA! wished me happy valentines w hug? aha, JANICE! gave me a card :D sat with nabeela so that shes not lonely.. hahah, after the performance in the morning, i joined them while the rest went back to class. talked and changed into the lion dance costume.. today past very fast! so yea after changing, slacked at the foyer.. hahah, i was lying down, connie sat on me. nice ah connie, very fun rite. lower sec recess, saw farhana and one of her fren, connie is still sitting on me, i cant get up so i called farhana for help. she laughed at me=.= wth. alot ppl frm 2nd lvl saw us, and they laughed. hahah, so walked to canteen, saw charmaine and kelly. charmaine get caught cuz of her fringe, awwwww, sad for her ): she was pissed at that moment i guess. so buy drinks, adriana gave me cupcake! yAY! thankssss! so walked back to foyer with connie.
oh wait, i wasnt walking, i was running! connie was laughing =.= den runrun, until i fell, shes still laughing=.= wth, den yea continue lying down at the foyer. haha, upper sec recess alrd, make our way to hall, wahhhh. okay, saw janice! haha, crap with her. so sit at the back at the hall, lower sec alrd making their way to the hall. oohooh, saw the bitch from 2D1, keep staring. tsk3. so upper sec reached alrd..
PERFORMANCE/CELEBRATION STARTED. we behind very alive!! hahah. start of with the teachers in the idk whats the name of the thing. den dragon dance! hahaha! i was standing behind tgthr with brandon hitting the drum and the rest la. ppl more intrested in drum sia! i was like wth dragon infront u look at the drum. or was it me who caught their attention? HAHAHAHA!! jk. watched the dragon, den i saw brenda, i looked at her, den she turned, she was smiling or sumthing? den I WINK AT HER. hahahah! she told me she want wink back but i keep turning away. ooops, my bad :P hahaha im retard la can, i wink to most ppl. and only one cant stop winking back at me, which is KHILDA! WTF. hahaha, okay, den its quiz time? game time? aiya whatever. so one of the game its name the animals in what order la. CONNIE, JANICE AND ME SABO-ED AMIRUL! hahahahah! so fun, he didnt know anything! but we helped him. JANICE and CONNIE both like monkey, i was holding onto the 'idk-whats-the-name" i keep hitting when AMIRUL GET IT RIGHT! YAYYAY!! HAHAHAHA NICE JOB JANICE AND CONNIE. hangbao $4. okay la. better than nothing. so yea. oh ya got one game the condom boy chose mr tay and everybody was like BOOOOO -ing. hahah! mr tay, you suck, we hate you. so everthing ended with the finale which i didnt went up cuz im scared. hahaha =.= after that we left to clementi primary. aiya, their celebration damn dead la. damn bored. the stupidest question was " whats the name of the fruit we bring to visit ppls house?" i was like, WTH! apple can? gahhh, after everything went back to sch, dismissed. went to MR PRATA! haha, with amirul, connie, jonathan, kenny, thiamwoon, and the 3a3 juniors. and later gabriel and andrew came. after eating trained home with connie gabriel and andrew. HAHAHA. very funny can. gabriel the asshole :P disturb ppl only. first he want disturb one uncle. but the uncle never entertain. hahahah! den next was an auntie infront. he hair was curly. HAHAHAHAH! gabriel: eh my house got the maggie leh..
HAHAHAHAHAHAH! busted lorr!! den he keep pointing to idk what. den everything he point the auntie look. HAHAHA busted lor. reached home. was in the room throughout. was msging.. msg till i very tired. slept at 8pm, wow, early huh! hahaha! charmaine waited 2 hours for my reply, i nvr reply at 8, at 10 she msg again " EH! u slp alrd??!" hahahah. sry la.
kay guess thats it.
im out~~
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
hey hello hi haha .
syaffy speaking. okay today was great? okok la..
was ALMOST late thanks to WHO UHH ??
hahah, run in the sch.. and was stopped halfway. ohoh, surprisingly today no GNA! hahaha!
went bcak to class... first period was.....CPA! no coursework.. hehehahah..
sit with amirul! he ver noisy and irritating but fun . ahahaha me and connie were the noisy ones. connie, amirul, siyan, gabriel, andrew celest and me was hold back. haha cuz we were noisy, normal la can! hahah, late for pe. during PE- nothing much la. just that imma PRO! haha i scored! so anw, next was recess, eat noodle, hahah while q-ing up and buying we damn noisy, ibrahim joker, make the auntie laugh and him again and me make the auntie shout. oh ya, one A2 guy very random lor. i was walking to the canteen and while im walking he stopped infront of me...........and say
the guy: hey you!
me; huh? what? me?
TG:yea you, nice guitar cover!
me: OH HAHAH! thanks(:
hahahaha weird can, i tought what sia.
aft tht issssssssssssssssssss...... math? nothing much.................... science! FREE PERIOD! OH-SO WONDERFUL! LOL , i guitared and my audience rocked! hahahah. after that is english. siaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn! talktaltalk, suppose to do a report on sumthing, den the winnie tan keep talking and talking, bell ring! sch over, wow, she rocks =.= aft that sch end. went down to lion dance room. ohya, i walked to the canteen to buy drinks, and the same guy again...
"hey you! nice guitar cover"
me: haha okokok.
lol wth. say once enough la can. 4 plus left tooooooooooooo, idk whats the name of the place. performed lion dance, reach back sch ard 630? yea, reached home ard 830.
okay! proper post done. yayayayay, will update again TMRW! make a friend day! right?? haha okay whatever.
syaffy outttttttttt~
syaffy speaking. okay today was great? okok la..
was ALMOST late thanks to WHO UHH ??
hahah, run in the sch.. and was stopped halfway. ohoh, surprisingly today no GNA! hahaha!
went bcak to class... first period was.....CPA! no coursework.. hehehahah..
sit with amirul! he ver noisy and irritating but fun . ahahaha me and connie were the noisy ones. connie, amirul, siyan, gabriel, andrew celest and me was hold back. haha cuz we were noisy, normal la can! hahah, late for pe. during PE- nothing much la. just that imma PRO! haha i scored! so anw, next was recess, eat noodle, hahah while q-ing up and buying we damn noisy, ibrahim joker, make the auntie laugh and him again and me make the auntie shout. oh ya, one A2 guy very random lor. i was walking to the canteen and while im walking he stopped infront of me...........and say
the guy: hey you!
me; huh? what? me?
TG:yea you, nice guitar cover!
me: OH HAHAH! thanks(:
hahahaha weird can, i tought what sia.
aft tht issssssssssssssssssss...... math? nothing much.................... science! FREE PERIOD! OH-SO WONDERFUL! LOL , i guitared and my audience rocked! hahahah. after that is english. siaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn! talktaltalk, suppose to do a report on sumthing, den the winnie tan keep talking and talking, bell ring! sch over, wow, she rocks =.= aft that sch end. went down to lion dance room. ohya, i walked to the canteen to buy drinks, and the same guy again...
"hey you! nice guitar cover"
me: haha okokok.
lol wth. say once enough la can. 4 plus left tooooooooooooo, idk whats the name of the place. performed lion dance, reach back sch ard 630? yea, reached home ard 830.
okay! proper post done. yayayayay, will update again TMRW! make a friend day! right?? haha okay whatever.
syaffy outttttttttt~
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
hey readers.
sry for not updating.. i have alot to say... but! sad to say, not in a mood.
so yea...
today is not my day. 1stly, Charmaine, not your fault.. secondly to my very wonderful-est friends, siyan and connie, sry ive been hiding things and tell lies? wont do it anymore(:
and dear Brenda, thanks for yea, talking to me. nice. All of you i just mention are the best.
i just do what i think is right... i left him.. it doesnt really matter.. thanks to those who have been asking me to cheer up(: and swollen fist, dun worry, u will recover. so guess thats it. i'll update a proper one tmrw(:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
i feel so stressed. well not really but just stress.. firstly i dont know why suddenly this feeling is cming back. a feeling of....just a feeling that make me upset and cry out of a sudden. first was about somethings that upsets me, oh someone who doesnt mean their words. one day, i hope i could just show you things u once said to me. i always keep it.
oh, 2nd, im back with someone i loved few years bck, but theres only 1 person knows about us, and that person is the someone i just mention. well, i tried my best to trust that person. im still trying, well i hope that person wont break the trust. well, now im with him, its like hes expecting too much? or isit just what im feeling? i dont know but i think eversince the day i got back with him, ive been making him upset by not responding to his needs. well wait, by not spending time with him. hey, sorry but i have friends too right? c'mon bby..i'll try my best to find time to spend with you okay?
(moving on.. i dont seem to be concentrating on my work these few days.. why? dont ask why.. i dont know): i hope things will get back to normal... well im normal infront of my friends, but actually im not.. but its okay.. i'll try to just put things behind.. and everyting'll be fine(:
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